We will generate more brand experience, publicity and media attention to visualize and maintain your brand to the beauty and lifestyle press. In order to create as much rumor as possible we approach online bloggers, vloggers and influencers. The goal is to generate as much high quality and free publicity as possible in the form of blogs, vlogs or posts to generate. In addition, we create social media posts on Facebook and Instagram.
Meet the Makers is thé yearly beauty & lifestyle event where makers of high-end, sustainable brands meet the most influential beauty and lifestyle journalists, bloggers, influencers in one afternoon! The press will meet the creators of 14 beauty and lifestyle brands who will personally tell the story behind their brand, their philosophy and product innovations. Click here for the after movie of Meet the Makers 2020. Do you want to receive the format for Meet the Makers 2021? Please send us an email.
We have over 20 years experience in organic beauty and lifestyle and excellent personal contacts with beauty and lifestyle journalists. Based on this personal relationship and high quality cosmetics we offer in our portfolio, we enjoy a high likability factor and many journalists are willing to write about brands that do not advertise. Many magazines use beauty, health and lifestyle planners. We know these planners and will respond by sending the right information.